Naše hodnoty | Innovation Footprint

​​our values - what is important to us

We have set ourselves to excite commercial entities for a different perspective on responsible business. We ourselves follow it accordingly.

Based on many years of experience, we are convinced that a commercially successful company applying the principles of responsible business has got a link between business and social benefits encoded in essence of its existence, in designing its business models. It does not attach charity to its jacket as a boast and trophy, but accepts responsibility for the good functioning of society, community and the individuals. Then it profits and flourishes thanks to this good functioning. Enthusiasm, passion and faith are based on emotions, thus an integral part of our values is:

human dimension of cooperation

decision-making based on responsibility

fairness, fulfillment and meaning

understanding the potential

freedom  - financial and other

environmental, social and economic sustainability

We believe that in establishing a corporate strategy, consensus on core values ​​is as important as defining directions and goals.

our inspiration

An excellent source of inspiration for us is the book "Doing Good Model" written in 2015 by Israeli businesswoman Shari Arison. The famous American-Israeli entrepreneur and philanthropist, using specific examples from her companies, shows that business can be profitable while thinking of people and the planet. Looking at the economic results of her value-driven corporate portfolio leaves no doubt that it‘s possible.