vidíme byznys z jiného úhlu | Innovation Footprint

we can see business from a different angle 

we help to identify, implement and communicate innovations that are beneficial to both companies and businesses

improving life while improving business | Innovation Footprint

imprint of innovation, innovation footprint

The INNOVATION FOOTPRINT brand expresses the essence of our work and the essence of what we seek from our clients. Successful business goes hand in hand with progress in addressing social issues. “Improving Life While Improving Business”. We have been relying on rich project, consulting and communication experience in the field of socially responsible business with a positive measurable impact already since 2001.

We believe that in establishing a corporate strategy, consensus on core values ​​is as important as defining directions and goals.

Shared Value | Innovation Footprint

Shared Value 

Responsible business does not need to mean only traditional CSR, corporate donations and philanthropy. Responsible entrepreneurship can consist of creating "Shared Value". Business needs must be the main motive for responsible entrepreneurship. We identify essential trends and topics whose business solutions will benefit both the society and the company's competitiveness.

From 2002 to 2004 we developed the concept of donor SMS - DMS. Its launch in the spring of 2004 was preceded by an endless series of negotiations with individual operators, their technology partners, and the Donors Forum as the nonprofit sector guarantor. At the end of this process, the DMS concept was launched as a unique functional service that has been running for several years under our license by the Donors Forum. Nowadays DMS works completely independently without the influence and intervention of "founders and inventors".

DMS - dárcovská SMS  | Innovation Footprint

It is possible to invent alone. But it is not possible to innovate alone. It's a joint work.

When you start taking interconnection of social issues and business seriously, your brand position will almost certainly shift.

our clients and partners

why do they work with us?

Shared Value Creation (CSV) remains the fundamental principle that governs our business. The health of our company is inherently linked to the health of the society in which we operate. The Nestlé company actively cooperated with the CSV Sharing Communication Platform established in 2011-2012 by CSR Consult. Thanks to this initiative, the concept of creating shared value in the Czech Republic as a modern approach to responsible business has gained further momentum.

Torben Emborg, generální ředitel

Cooperation with the commercial sector, especially the global companies that  brought the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility to the Czech Republic, is in the DNA of our non-profit organization. We value cooperation with these companies very much, our joint projects have a healthy „drive“ and bring benefits to all. One such opportunity provided by the people from Innovation Footprint was, for example, the joint project Healthy Alphabet with Danone. We have learned a lot from this cooperation.

Milan Kotík, předseda správní rady
AISIS, o.s.